Cedet Thread: Re: [cedet-semantic [tip For Mac

2020. 3. 22. 18:30카테고리 없음


Cedet Thread Re Cedet-semantic Tip For Machine

I have started to use Semantic some days ago for auto-completing C code, and it's incredible! I really love it, almost as good as SLIME's auto-completion. No, I don't care about how much Semantic consumes my RAM, I have lots of RAM. The problem is: Semantic is not able to autocomplete methods from classes of libraries installed on my system. Note that while the people who work on Clang attempt to be compatible with the extensions GCC has such that if GCC can compile the software correctly that Clang will also work as a replacement, however Clang is not guaranteed to succeed in compiling all the software that GCC will. That is not usually an issue in new projects and old code bases can be made to work with Clang if they were previously using GCC, but it means that everyone involved will need to agree on the same compiler for projects. The differences are listed here for C:.

You probably need to put the folder where thread is in the ac-clang-flags variable.